I think this story is very indicative of how we operate as a society. We never like to admit our mistakes. We like to conceal our faults and failures, pretending they don't exist. We create these illusions that everything is "peachy" all the while we're dealing with turmoil. The problem is, Christians are sometimes just as guilty. We have a difficult time admitting that we're struggling with sin. We don't like to admit that at times our faith becomes weak. We don't like to acknowledge our pride. I think Jesus referred to this as "whitewash". This is where everything looks good on the outside but the inside is a different story. So, what should we do? Look at this passage:
James 5:16 Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each
other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.
For us to achieve true spiritual growth, we are going to have to take off the masks, stop the charade and get real. We are constantly battling that flesh that lives inside of us. Unfortunately, at times, we are going to fail. Let's quit pretending that we've got it all together. James says we should be confessing our sins to one another and asking for prayer and support. This will require trust, humility and making yourself vulnerable. It won't be easy at first but your relationship with the King will start growing stronger.
In the spirit of transparency, here are a few of my "warts" that I sometimes like to air-brush out of my picture:
- I should be more encouraging to others
- I sometimes act like my spiritual gift is criticism
- I sometimes allow worry and fear to become larger than my faith in the Lord
- I still occasionally struggle with anger
- There are times that I allow my circumstances to cloud my true identity in Christ Jesus
- I don't always pray through decisions or problems like I should
- I hate to admit when I'm wrong......Did anyone order a side of pride?
I'm sure this will not come as a shock to anyone who knows me, but Scott Hedges doesn't have it all together. I miss the mark all the time. Isn't it about time we stop pretending and just acknowledge that?
My challenge to you, say NO! to being Air-Brushed, find a person you trust, confess something that you're struggling with and ask for their prayers and support. Live out the passage of James. There is a good chance that person may do the same thing with you. You know, that James guy might know what he's talking about after all.
Until next time.....
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